STEM Programs at Your Site – Request Now

STEM STEAM In school field trips, afterschool programs at your site

We Bring Programs to You

Request programs for grades preK - 8 students at your school, homeschool, community learning center or organization site.
No hassle STEM - materials, equipment, instructors - where you need it!

* Required

First Name * Last Name *

Phone Number * Email Address (official email) *

Which school or organization do you represent? *

Where can we learn more about your school or organization that you represent? (enter website address, social media page, etc.)

What is your affiliation with this school or organization? *

Geographic location for the programs (Enter city, state). *

Describe your requirement. Be as specific as you can. Include target grade level (s), number of students, when the program is needed, type of program (afterschool, in-school field trip, camp, workshop, etc.).

Referred by: If you were helped by a STEM For Kids personnel, tell us their name. Otherwise, leave blank.

How did you hear about us?

By clicking here I confirm that I am a representative of the school or organization listed above and I am authorized by the school or organization to seek information about STEM programs.

Full Spectrum of Hands-on STEM

Innovative kid friendly programs covering the fastest growing sectors in STEM - Engineering, Biomedical, Computer Programming and Automation. Plus, the 4C skills of Communication, Collaboration, Critical Thinking and Creativity.
STEAM / STEM programs for tots preschoolers ages 3 - 5

Now available STEM For Tots

STEAM / STEM programs for preK/ preschoolers ages 3 - 5.